Too Sensitive to get Sauced
February 18th - March 20th
The Pisces element water makes these sensitive folks sponges of the zodiac. They so often take on others' feelings as their own and can be too "open" for their own good health. To the other extreme, some negative Pisces will be takers and freeloaders of other people's resources, including having others cook and cater to them. If you let them get away with this, they will be picky about how their food is cooked and especially what's in it. They'll have myriad ingredients on their "Can't eat" list. These high maintenance Pisces can't be pleased no matter how hard you try.
Positive and compassionate, the good Pisces may unknowingly psychically absorb other people's energies and can have trouble setting boundaries to avoid being drained. They are susceptible to allergies.
Water should be used daily to cleanse the many "energies" around them. The physical body needs to be daily flushed of toxins by drinking fresh water. Soaking in a tub (with epsom salts) or the ocean will help cleanse the auric field. Swimming helps release dark, toxic pockets that can accumulate in the armpits, back of knees, between the toes, and in the ears.
Visuals of fish swimming help the emotional body and is calming when Pisces feel scattered and out of sorts, which is often when they've been out and about. A fish aquarium, a fish screen-saver, and colors of sea-mist green used in your environment will aid self-healing. Water falling or trickling on a simple table top fountain in the background is a continual reminder to the subconscious that cleansing the mental and spiritual bodies can be an on-going and effortless process. Pisces should avoid Alcoholic Drinks, Dairy, and all Milk Products.
The Astrology of Pisces
The Days in Pisces: February 20 - March 20
Element: Water
Modality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Key Phrase: I Believe
Lucky Number: 7
Color: Sea-mist Green
The Little Book of Self-Care for Pisces: Simple Ways to Refresh and Restore
Lobster for Leos, Cookies for Capricorns: An Astrology Lover's Cookbook
A Taste of Astrology: A Cookbook with 240 Heavenly Recipes and Menus for Each Astrological Sign
The Astrology Cookbook: A Cosmic Guide to Feasts of Love
AstroStar.com -
The Pisces Page
Lucky Horoscopes for Pisces
Metaphysical Shops
Recipes and Ingredients for Pisces
Caviar Celery
Cranberries Dates
Fish - Your best source of protein.
Fresh Salads
Grains and Multigrains
Lemon Lime Olives
Sweet Potato
Wine in Food - Alcohol cooked out.