January 20th - February 18th
Aquarians are fans of tart foods, especially lemon. They are the ones most likely to have a hi-tech kitchen and the trendiest dining furniture. Crystal or anything sparkly on the dinner table will appeal to Aquarius.
You'll find Aquarius anywhere people gather for conversation and meals - a potluck, buffet, cooking classes, ... Food is no fun without friends around.
Aquarians are mentally intrigued by food fads from a health perspective but will rarely indulge. Aquarius is a fixed sign and often finds the tried and true preferable after sporadic phases of sampling eclectic food combinations.
Coffee is often a daily meal substitute - a routine that can last for years and is difficult for Aquarians to break. But once Aquarius breaks a bad habit, it usually sticks.
Aquarians (and especially Moon in Aquarius) prefer vanilla and strawberry to chocolate. They are also so finicky at the table that you might mistake them for a Virgo. Like with coffee, they'll eat the same thing for decades or even a lifetime.
Aquarians typically do not like to try anything new on the menu, no matter how much others rave about it. They won't even taste it. It's that fixed quality about this sign.
Aquarians maintain good health with nutritious and tasty appetizers and vegetable salads. Unless they have an Aries moon, they are likely to be vegetarian
Aquarians should exclude all sweets - candy, cakes, and processed carbohydrates. A small amount of dark chocolate is healthy but they won't like it. Yeast infections can be a symptom of too much sugar intake.
Aquarians prefer informal dining to fancy dinner parties. They aren't impressed by Martha Stewart niceties and the extra touches that take a lot of time to prepare unless they have a Libra moon. Food is more important for how it tastes than for what it looks like.
Alcohol is destructive to an Aquarian's unique and delicate nervous system. But a small amount of light beer or champagne and other drinks with carbonation may help calm the nerves as will a balanced combination of calcium and magnesium.
Typical Aquarius Ailments:
Injuries and Ankle problems (edema), genital yeast infections (too much sugar), poor circulation, varicose veins, blood disorders, nervousness and anxiety, lack of sleep.
The Little Book of Self-Care for Aquarius Simple Ways to Refresh and Restore
Lobster for Leos, Cookies for Capricorns: An Astrology Lover's Cookbook
A Taste of Astrology: A Cookbook with 240 Heavenly Recipes and Menus for Each Astrological Sign
The Astrology Cookbook: A Cosmic Guide to Feasts of Love
The Aquarius Page
Lucky Horoscopes for Aquarius
Metaphysical Shops
Recipes and Ingredients for Aquarius
Chili and Cayenne
Melons Oats and barley
Pomegranates Radishes
Strawberries Wheat Grass Whipped cream