Capricorn Cooks by the Clock
December 21st - January 20th
Capricorns that have a challenging aspect to Uranus are likely to NOT do this: Typically Capricorn likes to eat on schedule - a specific time of day and length of time to dine is the plan for a Capricorn's comfort zone.
To observe a Capricorn, looking elegant at any dinner table, you might think "Virgo" instead. They share similar characteristics when it comes to how they eat...and what they eat. Both tend to be finicky, both forever on the search for the perfect dish that has it all - healthy and tasty. It's a challenge at the core of both signs, except Virgo tends to get worried that it's an impossible dream. Meal planning is based on the tried and true. "Healthy" takes priority over tasty.
Capricorns (barring an emphasized Jupiter on the the natal chart) have the thinnest bodies in the zodiac, more so when they are older.
To read more tips for Capricorn, which includes recipes, you can pick up Sydney Omarr's book, Sydney Omarr's Cooking with Astrology at Amazon.
Iron-rich Foods for Capricorns - (Vitamin C will help the body absorb iron more easily.)
This list contains iron-rich foods from more absorbable to less:
- All types of liver
- Beef
- Venison
- Oysters
- Sardines
- Turkey
- Chicken
- Cod
- Brewer's yeast
- Blackstrap molasses
- Iron-fortified breakfast cereals
- Wheat germ
- Soybeans
- Lentils
- Turnip greens
- Baked-potato skin
- Bulgur
The Little Book of Self-Care for Capricorn Simple Ways to Refresh and Restore
Lobster for Leos, Cookies for Capricorns: An Astrology Lover's Cookbook
A Taste of Astrology: A Cookbook with 240 Heavenly Recipes and Menus for Each Astrological Sign
The Astrology Cookbook: A Cosmic Guide to Feasts of Love
AstroStar.com -
The Capricorn Page
Lucky Horoscopes for Capricorn
Metaphysical Shops
Capricorn Recipes and Ingredients
Cabbage - Coleslaw
Cold Soups for Summer - Borsch, Vichyssoise
Green vegetable juices
Hot and Hearty Soups for winter
Kale Leeks and Onions